“I counsel you not to cumber yourself with words…”

“I counsel you not to cumber yourself with words unless you are speaking to the blind…How in words can you describe this heart without filling a whole book? Yet the more you write concerning it the more you will confuse the mind of the hearer.”

-Leonardo da Vinci

It’s crunch time folks.  The first anatomy exam is on Wednesday, and everyone is making each second productive.  With that in mind, I have been I’ve taken this above quote to heart…no pun intended.  With lengthy names like “extensor carpi radialis brevis” for one muscle or “the anterior interosseous nerve of the deep median nerve of the median nerve” for one nerve, it’s almost easier just to draw than to explain.

I feel like I have learned so much from this one course already.  Not solely material, but an appreciation for the opportunity to learn it…as well as enjoying the fact that I know so much more information, instead of worrying about my letter grade.  I think grad school has been amazing for this.  It is a specialized field. I’m so intrigued with what I’m learning. I actually am picking and taking my classes because, “I want to learn this skill” or “I would love to have this knowledge base” instead of “I need this to get into program X”.  It is a different mindset, and one that I am thoroughly enjoying.

This week we submitted our infographic in our graphic design class.  I decided to look up some data on CDC about infant mortality rates, knowing that the US surprisingly doesn’t have the lowest rate.  It’s actually not even close to the lowest.  Interesting results below…and hopefully a just as interesting graphic creation.  Yes…for all you statisticians, mathematicians, or overall individual who takes pride in presented proportions…the fetus size is scaled mathematically to represent the actual data number to which it corresponds. Yay for Excel and the scale tool!


I’m also currently working on a narrative for a deep water retrieval of a spinal injury victim.  Taking it back to the life guarding days! This will be digital when all is said and done…just some crude rough sketching below.


Last pic of the week is the beautiful arterial supply to the upper limb. As you can tell, I didn’t have enough colors to represent each of the branches individually in a different color.  Again, drawing it helps to keep it in my brain.


I’m thankful for how my brain is maturing.  I know that sounds dorky and weird.  But, I actually really like how I’m learning these days.  I’m spending time everyday learning big concepts and the details are coming with ease.  They make sense.  Even if I don’t get to all these details before Wednesday, I know my conceptual brain will let me make some killer educated guesses.  I love this program.

With that, I’m going to get back to studying! Thoughts and prayers at noon on Wednesday through about 5pm would be greatly appreciated.  Everyone in our program has been working so hard…so, don’t leave them out either!

Tips for myself and my fellow comrades:



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