Playing “Operation”

As I look forward to the break around the corner, I have summed up another productive week in the Windy City.  This week we submitted our 4th Anatomial Visualization project of drawing a torso in anatomical position and placing several organs inside with the bones as landmarks.  That meant we had to draw the bones, the external anatomy AND place the organs in the correct location.  We used layers of tracing paper to draw  the three different layers and then scanned those in to three different layers in photoshop.  This projects main focus was on line work.  I can’t wait to work on this project some more and maybe even use it as a building block for completing one of this semester’s work in COLOR!


Above is some progress part of the way through, and below is the finished product!assignment4_watermark

All in all I really enjoyed this project.  We have about two more weeks after this Thanksgiving break.  You better believe I’m sad I’m not going home for Thanksgiving, but I am thankful for time for productivity and just a little while longer until the break for Christmas.  I’ll see you soon Tennessee! Very soon my classmates and I will be presenting everything we completed over the semester.  But we aren’t done yet! Still one more very time -intensive vusualization project left, a big anataomy test left, a website to complete, and a big graphic design project! Please be thinking of my class and I these next couple weeks as we push through to complete an amazing first semester!


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